Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): 1st Place - Wexler ($100,000)

Level 29 - Blinds 100,000/200,000/25,000

Jonas Wexler (Southampton, PA)
1st Place - $100,000

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): 2nd Place - Dentale ($100,000)

Level 29 - Blinds 100,000/200,000/25,000

Mike Dentale (Brooklyn, NY)
2nd Place - $100,000

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): Heads Up Chip Counts

Level 29 - Blinds 100,000/200,000/25,000

Heads up chip counts:

Jonas Wexler - 8,100,000

Mike Dentale - 7,900,000

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): 3rd Place - Warchol ($48,258)

Level 29 - Blinds 100,000/200,000/25,000

Danny Warchol (Columbus, OH)
3rd Place - $48,258

Danny Warchol was all-in on the button, and Mike Dentale called out of the big blind:

Warchol: J♣ 2♣              Dentale: 3 3♠

Flop: K♠ 7♠ 9

Turn: 5

River: 8

Warchol is left with 300,000 in chips and would be knocked out the next hand.

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): Dentale Doubles........Again

Level 29 - Blinds 100,000/200,000/25,000

Mike Dentale has doubled once again, as Warchol raised to 425,000 from the button, and Dentale pushed for 2,200,000.  Warchol made the call:

Dentale: 10 10            Warchol: J 10

Flop: K Q 5

Turn: 4

River: 5

Dentale doubles to 4,500,000, while Warchol is down to 3,600,000.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): Stagnant

Level 29 - Blinds 100,000/200,000/25,000

Since returning from break, the chips counts have changed by just thousands.  There have been three flops in the last 20 minutes, with a lot of blinds and ante stealing.  In the first hand back from break, after Danny Warchol raised form the small blind, Jonas Wexler shipped for over 6,000,000.  Warchol tanked briefly and folded.

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): Back From Break

Players are back from break and the cards are in the air.

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): Break Time/Chip Counts

Players are going on a (10) minute break, and will return to Level 29 with blinds of 100,000/200,000/25,000.  Here are your updated counts:

Jonas Wexler - 6,200,000

Danny Warchol - 6,200,000

Mike Dentale (@mikunbelievable) - 3,500,000

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): Chip Counts

Level 28 - Blinds 75,000/150,000/25,000

Haven't see that many hands even go to showdown, so we'll provide you with another chip count update:

Jonas Wexler - 8,000,000

Danny Warchol - 5,600,000

Mike Dentale - 2,500,000

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): Chip Updates

Level 28 - Blinds 75,000/150,000/25,000

Updates Chip Counts:

Jonas Wexler - 6,900,000

Danny Warchol - 6,000,000

Mike Dentale - 2,600,000

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): Dentale Doubles...Again

Level 28 - Blinds 75,000/150,000/25,000

Mike Dentale pushes from the small blind, and is called by Warchol from the big:

Dentale: A 5          Warchol: A Q

Flop: 10 3 5

Turn: 4

River: J

Dentale now has 4,500,000.  Warchol is sitting on 5,800,000.

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): Updated Chip Counts

Level 28 - Blinds 75,000/150,000/25,000

Here are the updated chip counts:

Danny Warchol - 7,800,000

Jonas Wexler - 6,100,000

Mike Dentale - 2,200,000

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): Dentale Doubles

Level 28 - Blinds 75,000/150,000/25,000

Mike Dentale doubles up after he shoves against both players, and gets a call from Jonas Wexler.  Wexler turns over 1010♠ against Dentale's A 8, and after Wexler faded the flop...Dentale spikes an ace on the turn.

Mike doubles up to just over 3,000,000.

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): Dentale Dodges Bad Spot

Level 28 - Blinds 75,000/150,000/25,000

Mike Dentale is on fumes with with just over 10 big blinds (1,600,000), and got a way from a potential hand that would send him home.  In a blind v. blind situation, Jonas put in enough to cover Dentale, and Mike thought for a while.  He finally folded, showing a pair of fours, while Jonas showed him a pair of fives.  He would of been in a terrible spot, but is still alive.

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): Back From Break

Players are back from break and the cards are in the air.

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): Break Time (Chip Counts)

Players are about to go on break, and they will come back to Level 28, and blinds of 75,000/150,000/25,000.  Here are your chip counts going into break:

Danny Warchol - 5,525,000

Jonas Wexler - 7,400,000

Mike Dentale - 1,700,000

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): Dentale Short

Level 27 -  Blinds 50,000/100,000/10,000

Mike Dentale is now the short stack of the three, with just over 3,000,000.  He's asking when the dealer is out of the box...only eight more minutes Mike.

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): Chip Counts

Level 27 - Blinds 50,000/100,000/10,000

After Jonas Wexler win a big pot from Mike Dentale, here are the updated counts:

Jonas Wexler - 9,000,000

Mike Dentale - 4,000,000

Danny Warchol - 3,100,000

The reason the update took so long for chip counts was to wait for a big hand to end.  Jonas Wexler fired a river bet of 1,775,000 on a board of 3♣ 4 5♣ J♠ 10, and Warchol was in the tank for a solid (10) minutes.  He finally threw a chip in making the call and Wexler flipped over A 2 (flopped the wheel).  Wexler has taken an overwhelming chip lead with that win.

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): Tough Board

Level 27 - Blinds 50,000/100,000/10,000

In just a sick hand, Jonas Wexler and Danny Warchol get all the chips in pre-flop (with Jonas covered).  It's the A-K of Jonas against the A-2 of Warchol.  The board runs out Q 5 8 5 8, and Warchol gets saved with a chop!!!! Wexler walked away with his hands on his heads, and they chop the antes and blinds.

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): Wexler Arrives

Level 27 - Blinds 50,000/100,000/10,000

Jonas Wexler did return, only missing one hand.  Since returning we've seen a few flops, with Jonas winning two hands, and Dentale winning one.

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): Chip Counts

Level 27 - Blinds 50,000/100,000/10,000

Updated chip counts:

Danny Warchol - 5,200,000
Jonas Wexler - 6,100,000
Mike Dentale - 4,200,000

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): Where's Jonas

We are just waiting for Jonas Wexler to return to the table, but if he doesn't show soon the cards will be in the air.  And as we type that, the cards are in the air without Wexler at the table, blinds are 50,000/100,000/10,000.

For those wondering who aren't in the casino, Mike Dentale did get a penalty for exposing his card in the big hand with Wexler.  For those who know Mike....he wasn't pleased!!!

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): Dinner Break

Players are going on dinner break in (5) minutes, and they will return around 8:00pm.  We will continue our coverage at that time.

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): Pot Of The Day

Level 26 - Blinds 30,000/60,000/10,000

Mike Dentale Tanks...Jonas Doesn't Move An Inch

There was a crowd of about 20 people watching what would be the pot of the tournament.  The board ran out 5 9 3 9 2, and Mike Dentale had called Wexler's 1,000,000 check raise on the turn.  Once the 2 hit the river, Jonas announced himself all-in, and we would have about a 7 minute tank from Mike.  He then turned over a 9, showing Jonas how strong his hand was.  Jonas was stone faced as Dentale talked....and stared....and talked...and showed his one card.  Dentale had the crowd surrounding the tabled, on the edge of their seats about what he would do.  Dentale eventually folded, and Jonas is now at 5,900,000 (Dentale is down to 4,000,000).

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): 4th Place - Shulman ($35,114)

Level 26 - Blinds 30,000/60,000/10,000

TJ Shulman (Boyton Beach, FL)
4th Place - $35,114

TJ Shulman was the short stack at the table with 800,000, and got it in against Danny Warchol:

Shulman: A K          Warchol: 7 7

Flop: 7 5 5

Turn: 6

Turn: 6

It was pretty much over for Shulman on the flop, and a tough day for TJ.  He played as well as he could, but could not find himself any good spots.  Danny now chips up to 5,800,000, and sits in second place with three players left.

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): Mid-Level Chip Counts

Level 26 - Blinds 30,000/60,000/10,000

Here are the updated chip counts:

  1. TJ Shulman - 800,000
  2. Danny Warchol - 5,400,000
  3. Jonas Wexler - 3,800,000
  4. Mike Dentale - 6,100,000

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): Dentale Picks Up Nice Pot

Level 26 - Blinds 30,000/60,000/10,000

Mike Dentale had already called two streets from Warchol on a Q J 8 7 3 board, and was faced with yet a third bet on the river.  Mike was doing some talking while he was thinking, about how he hadn't seen Danny fire three streets.  Mike had the calling amount in his hand, and was going back and forth with himself.  He finally made the call, Danny said he had a queen, and Dentale flipped over A-Q.  Mike is now over 5,000,000, while Danny drops down just below that same mark.

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): Shulman The Short Stack

Level 26 - Blinds 30,000/60,000/10,000

After losing a sizable pot to Jonas Wexler, TJ Shulman is now the short stack of the remaining four players.  He sits with 1,200,000 in front of him (20 big blinds), while Jonas chips up to 3,800,000.

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): Warchol Chip Leader

Level 26 - Blinds 30,000/60,000/10,000

After Warchol busts Jared Jaffee he takes a commanding chip lead with 6,600,000.  The player who trails him is Mike Dentale with 4,200,000.

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): 5th Place - Jaffee ($27,403)

Level 26 - Blinds 30,000/60,000/10,000

Jared Jaffee (Brooklyn, NY)
5th Place - $27,403

On the firsrt hand back from break, on a board of J♣ 10♠ 9 A♣, Jared Jaffee bets 400,000 on the turn, and gets raised by Danny Warchol (enough to put Jaffee all-in).   Jaffee thinks for a moment, talks to himself quickly, and then decides to call:

Warchol: J 9          Jaffee: 10 9

It's a cooler for Jaffee as his two pair is in terrible shape, and when the 4 spikes the river he would be sent home in 5th place.

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): Chip Counts

Here are the chip counts coming back from break:

  1. TJ Shulman - 1,900,000
  2. Jared Jaffee - 1,700,000
  3. Danny Warchol - 4,000,000
  4. Jonas Wexler - 3,700,000
  5. Mike Dentale - 4,200,000

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): Break Time

Players are about to go on another (10) minute break, and will return to blinds of 30,000/60,000/10,000 in Level 26.

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): Jaffee Now Shorty

Level 25 - Blinds 20,000/40,000/5,000

Jared Jaffee (Brooklyn, NY) is now the short stack at the table, holding 1,500,000 (38 big blinds).  He just lost a pot to Mike Dentale, and after Mike lets Jared see his hand, Jared exclaims "How do you do it?"  We never heard what the hand was, but Jared is still in good spirits regardless of his downward trend.

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): Mid-Level Chip Counts

Level 25 - Blinds 20,000/40,000/5,000

Here are the updated chip counts:

  1. TJ Shulman - 2,300,000
  2. Jared Jaffee - 2,000,000
  3. Danny Warchol - 3,700,000
  4. Jonas Wexler - 4,500,000
  5. Mike Dentale - 3,400,000

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): Dentale v. Jaffee

Level 25 - Blinds 20,000/40,000/5,000

On a board of 5♣ 7 9♠ Q♠, after Mike Dentale had already called Jaffe's 300,000 bet on the flop, Jared once more fired out (this time for 425,000).  Dentale raised to 1,000,000 and Jaffee went into the tank.  Jaffee eventually folded, telling Mike that "Only two hands beat me."  Dentale told him it was a great fold, showed an ace, and told Jared that he played the hand very tricky.

Mike Dentale - 3,800,000

Jared Jaffee - 1,950,000

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): 6th Place - Taylor ($21,583)

Level 25 - Blinds 20,000/40,000/5,000

Walter Taylor (Morristown, NJ)
6th Place - $21,583

The flop came out Q♣ 8♣ 8 in a hand featuring Walter Taylor and Mike Dentale.  Taylor fired out 125,000 and was called by Dentale.  The turn brought the 9, and Taylor postured for a few moments before putting out a bet of 500,000.  Dentale declared himself all-in, and Taylor immediately called, causing Mike to say, "Another cooler....I have a boat."  The hands were turned over:

Taylor: J 10 (turned straight)            Dentale: 8♠ 9♠ (turned full house)

Walter was drawing dead, and would only be left with 20,000 after the chips were counted down.  He would be eliminated the very next hand.

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): Cooler No More

Level 25 - Blinds 20,000/40,000/5,000

Back from break we had a sizable pot when Danny Warchol had K-K on a jack high board against the Q-Q of Dentale.  Surprisingly the chips didn't get all-in, but Dentale took a huge dent to his stack.  Warchol went up to 3,600,000, while Dentale dropped down below 1,700,000.

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): Break Time Updates

Players are on break, and will return to Level 25 with blinds 20,000/40,000/5,000.  Here are your updated chip counts:

  1. TJ Shulman - 2,600,000
  2. Jared Jaffee - 2,500,000
  3. Danny Warchol - 2,600,000
  4. Walter Taylor - 1,700,000
  5. Jonas Wexler - 4,500,000
  6. Mike Dentale - 2,700,000

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): 7th Place - DeMers ($18,236)

Level 24 - Blinds 15,000/30,000/5,000

Gionni DeMers (Jackson, NJ)
7th Place - $18,236

Jared Jaffee opened the pot for 75,000 and was called by Danny Warchol.  Gionni DeMers then pushed all-in for 850,000, and Jaffee quickly folded behind.  Warchol mentioned that he thought DeMers would try to squeeze, and three chips in for the call:

DeMers: K♣ J              Warchol: 5♣ 5

Flop: 2 4♠ 8

Turn: 5

River: 6

Warchol was correct in his read, and would have DeMers drawing dead on the turn.

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): Dentale v. Warchol II

Level 24 - Blinds 15,000/30,000/5,000

Once again the two players were matched against each other.  This time though it would be Warchol who would push on the turn for 770,000, and eventually watch as Mike folded.  The board was 2 3 5 9 when Danny shoved, after Dentale called both a pre-flop and flop bet.  There was a small amount of verbal sparring during the hand, but cooler heads prevailed and apologies accepted.

Danny Warchol - 1,300,000

Mike Dentale - 2,700,000

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): Dentale v. Warchol

Level 24 - Blinds 15,000/30,000/5,000

On a board of A 3 A 2 J, Mike Dentale called a check-rasie on the flop and a turn bet from Danny Warchol (275,000 flop/205,000 turn).  The river went check-check, and Warchol would announce "two pair."  Dentale tabled A-K and would take down the 1,000,000 pot.

Mike Dentale - 3,300,000

Danny Warchol - 1,200,000

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): Updated Chip Counts

Here are the mid-level updated counts:

  1. TJ Shulman - 2,800,000
  2. Jared Jaffee - 2,400,000
  3. Danny Warchol - 1,750,000
  4. Walter Taylor - 1,675,000
  5. Gionni DeMers - 1,000,000
  6. Jonas Wexler - 3,700,000
  7. Mike Dentale - 2,600,000

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): 8th Place - Amjadi ($15,229)

Level 24 - Blinds 15,000/30,000/5,000

Max Amjadi (Mamora, NJ)
8th Place - $15,229

Jonas Wexler opened the pot for 65,000 and Mike Dentale flatted behind from the button.  Max Amjadi was in the small blind, and he shipped it in for 365,000.  Wexler folded and Dentale went into the tank for a solid four minutes.  He verbalized the fact that he was hoping it was a race and that he really didn't want to give Amjadi chips.  He finally decided to make the call, and Mike was in bad shape:

Amjadi: Q♠Q♣               Dentale: 2♠2

Flop: 2♣ 5♣ 6♣

Turn: 6♠ 

River: 10

Dentale out-flops Max Amjadi, but still had a handful of outs on the flop (any queen or any club).  Things looked bleaker after Dentale turned a full house, and the river would brick for Max, sending him home in 8th place.

Mike Dentale - 2,700,000

Max Amjadi - Eliminated

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): The Short Stack

Level 24 - Blinds 15,000/30,000/5,000

Max Amjadi

The short stack of the eight players remaining is now Max Amjadi (Mamora, NJ).  Max came into the day with 756,000, but it now sitting on 300,000 (10 big blinds).

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): 9th Place - Mazza ($11,398)

Level 24 - Blinds 15,000/30,000/5,000

Gene Mazza (Elizabeth, NJ)
9th Place - $11,398

Gene Mazza had only 40,000 chips left when he pushed all-in under the gun, and it was going to be tough sailing as six players called!!  If Gene was to win the hand he would chip up to over 300,000, but on the flop of K♣ 10♠ 6♣, Danny Warchol fired out into the field (which folded around).  Warchol turned over K 10 against the A 2 of Mazza.  Gene would spike an ace on the river for the needle, but it would still be the end of his day.

Danny Warchol - 2,700,000

Gene Mazza - Eliminated

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): 10th Place - Galvin ($8,342)

Level 24 - Blinds 15,000/30,000/5,000

Greg Galvin (Port Jefferson, NY)
10th Place - $8,342

Danny Warchol opened the pot to 65,000, and Gene Mazza made the call after thinking for a brief moment.  Greg Galvin was next to act and pushed in for a total of 345,000.  Warchol begrudgingly made the call, and Mazza folded behind:

Warchol: Q♣ 10♣            Galvin: A Q♥

Flop: K♠ 8♣ J♣

Turn: A

River: 9

Danny would flop a huge hand with a flush and open ended draw, and even though Greg made two pair on the turn, he couldn't fill up to beat Warchol's straight.

Danny Warchol - 2,200,000

Gre Galvin - Eliminated

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): Break Chip Counts

Here are the counts during the first break:

  1. Greg Galvin - 330,000
  2. TJ Shulman - 3,700,000
  3. Jared Jaffee - 1,400,000
  4. Danny Warchol - 1,780,000
  5. Walter Taylor - 1,200,000
  6. Gionni DeMers - 1,300,000
  7. Jonas Wexler - 4,000,000
  8. Max Amjadi - 310,000
  9. Gene Mazza - 140,000

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): DeMers v. Taylor

Level 23 - Blinds 12,000/24,000/4,000

Gionni DeMers had pushed out a a river bet of 106,000 on a board of A 7 7 8 A.  Walter Taylor check-raised him to 375,000, and DeMers sheepishly called.  Taylor tapped the table and showed Q 10, while Gionni flipped over A J and took down the pot worth 1,100,000.

Players are going on a (10) minute break at the end of this level, which is in two minutes.

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): Been Here Before

Level 23 - Blinds 12,000/24,000/4,000

Dentale Doubles
Mike Dentale At February's Big Stax 1500 Final Table

This isn't Mike Dentale's (Brooklyn, NY) first rodeo, he should be comfortable in this situation.  Dentale finished fourth in this event during our inaugural Big Stax Series ($53,000), as he watched his Q-Q go down to the A-J of eventual winner Robert Boyko.  Mike has since gone on to play in only larger buy-in events, and couldn't pass up the chance to better his finish from earlier in the year.

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): Payout Reminder

Level 23 - Blinds 12,000/24,000/4,000

Here is a reminder of what these players are shooting for today:

  • $126,093
  • $77,649
  • $48,258
  • $35,114
  • $27,403
  • $21,583
  • $18,236
  • $15,229
  • $11,398
  • Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): Twitter Love

    Level 23 - Blinds 12,000/24,000/4,000

    Here are some well wishes for many of the players at our final table:

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): It's Time!!!!

    The final table is about to begin, the tournament director is going over the rules for the players (we all know them well), so no player receives any unnecessary penalties throughout the day.

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): Final Table Begins Shortly

    The final table of the Big Stax 1500, and out live coverage will being shortly after 1:00pm, once the players have arrived and the cards are in the air.

    Big Stax 1500: Final Table Preview

    With 36:23 on the clock in Level 23, we reached our final table.  Alek Divokovsky was colored as he flopped a straight, but TJ Shulman flopped a higher straight, making Alek the final table bubble boy.  Here is a brief preview of our final table participants:

    Seat 1:

    Greg Galvin (Port Jefferson, NY)

    Final Table Chip Count: 404,00 (17 big blinds)
    Chip Count To Begin Day 2: 100,000
    Career Earnings: No Recorded Cashes
    Largest Parx Tournament Cash: No Recorded Cashes

    Seat 2:

    TJ Shulman (Boyton Beach, FL)

    Final Table Chip Count: 3,606,000
    Chip Count To Begin Day 2: 500,000
    Career Earnings: $141,948
    Largest Parx Tournament Cash: No Recorded Parx Cashes

    Seat 3:

    Jared Jaffee (Brooklyn, NY)

    Final Table Chip Count: 1,500,000 (63 big blinds)
    Chip Count To Begin Day 2: 357,000
    Career Earnings: $797,601
    Largest Parx Tournament Cash: No Recorded Parx Cashes

    Seat 4:

    Danny Warchol (Columbus, OH)

    Final Table Chip Count: 1,654,000
    Chip Count To Begin Day 2: 332,500
    Career Earnings: $14,125
    Largest Parx Tournament Cash: No Recorded Parx Cashes

    Seat 5:

    Walter Taylor (Morristown, NJ)

    Final Table Chip Count: 1,740,000 (73 big blinds)
    Chip Count To Begin Day 2: 391,000
    Career Earnings: $11,671
    Largest Parx Tournament Cash: $548 (85th in the Big Stax 300 during the Big Stax II)

    Seat 6:

    Gionni DeMers (Jackson, NJ)

    Final Table Chip Count: 756,000
    Chip Count To Begin Day 2: 233,000
    Career Earnings: $331,902
    Largest Parx Tournament Cash: No Recorded Parx Cashes

    Seat 7:

    Jonas Wexler (Southhampton, PA)

    Final Table Chip Count: 4,200,000 (175 big blinds)
    Chip Count To Begin Day 2: 400,000
    Career Earnings: $336,563
    Largest Parx Tournament Cash: $1,637 (5th in the $300 DeepStack Turbo during the Big Stax II)

    Seat 8:

    Mike Dentale (Brooklyn, NY)

    Final Table Chip Count: 1,200,000 (50 big blinds)
    Chip Count To Begin Day 2: 270,000
    Career Earnings: $501,964
    Largest Parx Tournament Cash: $52,656 (4th in the Big Stax 1500 during the Big Stax I)

    Seat 9:

    Max Amjadi (Marmora, NJ)

    Final Table Chip Count: 756,000 (32 blig blinds)
    Chip Count To Begin Day 2: 200,500
    Career Earnings: $47,388
    Largest Parx Tournament Cash: No Recorded Parx Cashes

    Seat 10:

    Gene Mazza (Elizabeth, NJ)

    Final Table Chip Count: 272,000 (11 big blinds)
    Chip Count To Begin Day 2: 169,000
    Career Earnings: $5,892
    Largest Parx Tournament Cash: $1,342 (38th in the Big Stax 300 during the Big Stax II)

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): Final Table

    Greg Galvin Port Jefferson NY 404,000 44 1
    TJ Shulman Boyton Beach FL 3,606,000 44 2
    Jared Jaffee Brooklyn NY 1,500,000 44 3
    Danny Warchol Columbus OH 1,654,000 44 4
    Walter Taylor Morristown NJ 1,740,000 44 5
    Gionni DeMers Jackson NJ 756,000 44 6
    Jonas Wexler Southampton PA 4,200,000 44 7
    Mikie "Unbelievable" Dentale Brooklyn NY 1,200,000 44 8
    Max Amjadi Marmora NJ 756,000 44 9
    Gene Mazza Elizabeth NJ 272,000 44 10

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): Huge Pot...Final Table

    Level 23 - Blinds 12,000/24,000/4,000

    Alek Divokovsky (New York, NY) is the final table bubble boy, and he goes out in a tough way.  On a board of 5 7 8, Alek flops the straight with 4 6, but TJ Shulman held 6 9 (nut straight), and the fireworks would ensue.  Shulman would win a pot worth 3,500,000, and go into the final in great shape.  Once the chips are bagged and verified, we will post the counts and a final table preview.

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): Shulman Busts Gliniecki...Final Table Bubble

    Level 23 - Blinds 12,000/24,000/4,000

    As we were posting the chip counts, TJ Shulman flopped the flush on an ace high board.  Gliniecki and Shulman got all the chips in, with Gliniecki drawing dead (with just an ace).  After the next elimination we will have reached our final table and play will stop for the night.  Gliniecki will collect $8,342 for his finish, while Shulman chips up to over 2,000,000.

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): Updated Chip Counts

    Level 23 - Blinds 12,000/24,000/4,000

    Updated Chip Counts:

    Table 47:

    1. Gene Mazza - 340,000
    2. Gionni DeMers - 854,000
    3. Jonas Wexler - 4,800,000
    4. Max Amjadi - 900,000
    5. Danny Warchol - 1,700,000
    6. Mike Dentale - 260,000
    Table 50:
    1. Alek Divokovsky - 1,200,000
    2. TJ Shulman - 1,100,000
    3. Tomasz Gliniecki - 1,100,000
    4. Jared Jaffee - 1,240,000
    5. Grwg Galvin - 620,000
    6. Walter Taylor - 940,000

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): 13th-15th Places ($6,839)

    The following players cashed for $6,839:

    13. John Lakatosh (Reading, PA)
    14. David Inselberg (Long Beach, NY)
    15. David Clarke (Basking Ridge, NJ)

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): Still Slow...Break Upcoming

    Level 22 - Blinds 10,000/20,000/3,000

    We are stuck at 13 players still, with Jonas Wexler still the chip leader.  Players will be going on break in (15) minutes, and they will then return to play two more levels (through Level 24), or until the final table is reached.  In both the Big Stax 300 & 500 we made the final table first, and this tournament has less total chips in play than both.

    Sunday, May 19, 2013

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): Lost Two More

    Level 22 - Blinds 10,000/20,000/2,000

    We lose two more players in back to back hand as David Clarke goes home in 15th place, and David Inselberg gets knocked out in 14th by Tomasz Gliniecki.  Both players will be collecting $6,839 for their finishes, and we are creeping closer and closer to the final table bubble.

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): 16th-18th Places ($5,820)

    The following players cashed for $5,820:

    16. Steven Ritchie (Austin, TX)
    17. Matt Glantz (Lafayette Hills, PA)
    18. Marshall White (Boone, NC)

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): Break

    Players are now on a (10) minute break, and will return to Level 22 and blinds of 10,000/20,000/2,000.

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): POT OF THE TOURNAMENT!!!

    Level 21 - Blinds 8,000/16,000/2,000

    And there you have it...Jonas Wexler (South Hampton, PA) is over 4,000,000!!!! It was the two biggest stacks of the tournament going at it, on a flop of K Q 3.  The action was five-bet all-in from Glantz, and Jonas called:

    Flop: K Q♣ 3

    Glantz: 10 J              Wexler: K♠ Q

    Turn: 6♣

    River: 2♠

    Glantz would miss both his draws and Jonas Wexler is now the overwhelming chip leader of the remaining 16 players, with over 4,000,000.

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): Final Two Tables (Chip Counts)

    Level 21 - Blinds 8,000/16,000/2,000

    Final Two Tables (Chip Counts):

    Table 47:

    1. Gene Mazza - 135,000
    2. Matt Glantz - 1,800,000
    3. Steven Ritchie - 300,000
    4. Gionni DeMers - 800,000
    5. John Lakatosh - 580,000
    6. Jonas Wexler - 2,000,000
    7. Max Amjadi - 575,000
    8. Danny Warchol - 1,200,000
    9. Mike Dentale - 780,000
    Table 50:
    1. David Inselberg - 780,000
    2. Marshall White (18th Place)
    3. Alek Divotovsky - 1,650,000
    4. TJ Shulman - 740,000
    5. Tomas Gliniecki - 200,000
    6. Jared Jaffee - 700,000
    7. Greg Galvin - 1,600,000
    8. David Clarke - 590,000
    9. Walter Taylor - 940,000

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): 19th-21st Places ($5,093)

    The following players have cashed for $5,093:

    19. Qing Guo (Gibson, PA)
    20. Matthew Shafman (West Orange, NJ)
    21. Norman Rogers (Philadelphia, PA)

    With 18 players remaining, the players are now finding new seating assignments once more.  We will bring you the final 18 plus chip counts shortly.

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): Calm Before The Storm

    Level 21 - Blinds 8,000/16,000/2,000

    The action has slowed down considerably since returning from dinner.  It's not surprise being that the action from the first moment today was fast and furious.  Jonas Wexler continues to lead the field, while just adding to his already 2,300,000 stack.

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): Shafman Busts On Two-Outer

    Level 21 - Blinds 8,000/16,000/2,000

    The first hand after dinner break we had an all-in pot between Matt Shafman (West Orange, NJ) and Walter Taylor (Morristown, NJ).  Shafman was ahead with AA against Taylor's KK, and everything was going as planned for Matt until a river king.  He was left with 6,000 after the hand, and would be sent home....by Taylor....who had kings again!!!

    Shafman is out in 20th ($5,093), while Taylor chips up to just under 1,000,000.

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): Coming Back From Dinner

    Players are about to take their seats again, and will be playing down to the final table or the end of Level 24.  Blinds coming back in Level 21 with blinds at 8,000/16,000/2,000.  On the last hand before dinner break we lost Norman Rogers (Philadelphia, PA) in 21st place, taking home $5,093.

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): Dinner Break

    Players have agreed to extend the dinner break to (90) minutes, so play will resume at 9:00pm.  Here are the top three chip counts remaining:

    Jonas Wexler - 2,600,000
    Matt Glantz - 1,750,000
    Danny Warchol - 1,700,000

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): 22nd-24th Places ($4,559)

    The following players have cashed for $4,559:

    22. John Allan Hinds (Greenville, NC)
    23. Sead Duraku (Queens, NY)
    24. Renata Colache (Clayton, NY)

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): 25th-27th Places ($4,206)

    The following players cashed for $4,206:

    25. Dan Buzgon (Marlton, NJ)
    26. Jennifer Shahade (Philadelphia, PA)
    27. Ed Walsh (Langhorne, PA)

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): Final Three Tables

    Level 20 - Blinds 6,000/12,000/1,000

    Here are your remaining 27 players, and their seating assignments:

    Table 47:

    1. Gionni DeMers
    2. David Clarke
    3. John Lakatosh
    4. Jared Jaffee
    5. Matt Shafman
    6. Jen Shahade
    7. Walter Taylor
    8. Qing Guo
    9. John Allan Hinds
    Table 48:
    1. Rentata Colache
    2. Dan Buzgon
    3. David Inselberg
    4. Ed Walsh
    5. Gene Mazza
    6. Greg Galvin
    7. Norman Rogers
    8. Jonas Wexler
    9. Max Amjadi
    Table 50:
    1. Tomasz Gliniecki
    2. Alek Divotovsky
    3. Marshall White
    4. Danny Warchol
    5. Sead Duraku
    6. Matt Glantz
    7. Mike Dentale
    8. TJ Shulman
    9. Steven Ritchie

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): In The Money!!!!

    Level 20 - Blinds 6,000/12,000/2,000

    We have reached the money as Andrew Wu (Edison, NJ) is the bubble boy.  He left himself with less than the small blind on his final hand, and on a board of 7 8 9 10 5, Jared Jaffee announced two pair (after Jaffee and Glantz checked each street).  Jaffee showed  8 9, while Andrew still hadn't looked at his cards.  Everyone surrounded Andrew as he looked, and he unfortunately tabled 7 8 for a lesser two pair.

    The tournament directors are now redrawing the final 27 players.

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): Shorty Comes From Behind

    Level 20 - Blinds 6,000/12,000/2,000

    Gionni DeMers is all-in for his last 160,000, and is called by Norman Rogers.  It's the A 9 of DeMers against the A Q of Rogers.  The field was one card from the cash, until a 9 spiked the river and gave DeMers the double.

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): On The Bubble

    Level 20 - Blinds 6,000/12,000/2,000

    Matthew Kustafik (Doylestown, PA) has just been eliminated, and we are now on the stone bubble.  Play will be hand for hand until the next player busts.

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): John Allan Grinds

    Level 20 - Blinds 6,000/12,000/2,000

    John Allan Hinds was one of the players grinding the short stack during this crucial money bubble period.  He just doubled through Matt Shafman, as Hinds's QQ held up against Shafman's 10 10.  29 players still remain, with a handful of players riding stacks of 15 big blinds or less.

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): Great Time To Double

    Level 20 - Blinds 6,000/12,000/2,000

    Matt Glantz opened the action with a raise to 24,000.  Jared Jaffee was next to act and went all-in for 168,000.  The action folded around to Jen Shahade in the big blind, and after asking for a count, she declared herself all-in as well (370,000).  Glantz folded behind:

    Jaffee: AK           Shahade: J J

    Flop: 3♣ 9♠ 10♣

    Turn: 4♠

    River: K

    Jaffee gets a well needed double up to 360,000, while Jen is down to just under 200,000.

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): Returning From Break

    Players are now returning from break, and during the last hand before break we lost one player (29 now remain).

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): Break Time

    Players are going on a (10) minute break, and they will return to blinds of 6,000/12,000/2,000 (Level 19).  The chip average for the 30 players remaining is 533,000.  The players will return to play Level 19 and then go on dinner break.

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): Siegel Busts

    Level 19 - Blinds 5,000/10,000/1,000

    Marvin Siegel is out in 31st, just short of the money, as he's sent home by TJ Shulman.  Marvin was all-in for his last 134,000 pre-flop:

    Siegel: A♠ 3♣           Shulman: A 6

    Flop: 3♠ 4♣ 7♣

    Turn: 5

    River: Q♣

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): Players Remaining (Alphabetical)

    Level 19 - Blinds 5,000/10,000/1,000

    Here is an alphabetical list of players remaining (just lost Joe Simmons as his KK runs into the AA of Max Amjadi):

    Max Amjadi
    Dan Buzgon
    Patrick Chan
    David Clarke
    Renata Colache
    Gionni DeMers
    Mike Dentale
    Greg Galvin
    Alex Givotovsky
    Matt Glantz
    Tomasz Gliniecki
    Qing Guo
    John Allan Hinds
    David Inselberg
    Jared Jaffee
    Matthew Kustafik
    John Lakatosh
    Gene Mazza
    Steven Ritchie
    Norman Rogers
    Matt Shafman
    Jen Shahade
    TJ Shulman
    Marvin Siegel
    Walter Taylor
    Ed Walsh
    Danny Warchol
    Jonas Wexler
    Marshall White
    Andrew Wu

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): Ruszkay Eliminated

    Level 19 - Blinds 5,000/10,000/1,000

    Samantha Ruszkay has just been eliminated, sending home the second half of our poker couple (Matthew Burnitz's fiancé).  33 players now remain with a chip average of 484,000 (48 big blinds).

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): Burnitz Busts

    Level 19 - Blinds 5,000/10,000/1,000

    We approached Table 50 after the flop of K♣ 8♣ 8, and a player that just moved to the table puts out a bet of 58,000.  Burnitz announces himself all-in (total of 78,000), and his opponent calls:

    Burnitz: A♠ A      Player X: Q♣ 3♣

    Turn: 4♣

    River: 2

    Burnitz is out in 35th, falling one table short of the money.

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): "TOD" Gets Even Better

    Level 19 - Blinds 5,000/10,000/1,000

    We are sure to hear it on Twitter very shortly, as Mike Dentale (Brooklyn, NY) heads over to Table 48.  It's turned into a who's who of the tournament at that table, and now we have a lot of history between certain players seated.  Here is a recap of who is there:

    Dan Buzgon
    Mike Dentale
    Jennifer Shahade
    David Insleberg
    Matt Glantz
    Jared Jaffee

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): @Munmunny & Queen Eliminated

    Level 19 - Blinds 5,000/10,000/1,000

    We are now down to 37 players as both Alex Queen and Manh Nyugen are eliminated.  The chip average among the remaining players is 432,000 (43 big blinds).

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): Back From Break

    Level 19 - Blinds 5,000/10,000/1,000

    Players have returned from break, and we have lost one since the level started (39 remain).  It looks like the players at Table 48 are still enjoying each others company:

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): Maccaroni Out

    Level 18 - Blinds 4,000/8,000/1,000

    Matthew Maccaroni (Hamilton, NJ) has been grinding the short stack since the beginning of Day 2, and unfortunately ran his A J♠ into K K♠.  The board ran out 2♠ 3♠ 4♠, but his opponent had his suit covered.  Matt would need an ace or five, and could not manage to catch up on the turn or river.

    There are now 40 players remaining, with a chip average is exactly 400,000.  Players will be on break in (6) minutes, and return to Level 19 and blinds of 5,000/10,000/1.000.

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): Down To 45

    Level 18 - Blinds 4,000/8,000/1,000

    We are now over halfway through Level 18 and down to 45 players (chip average 350,000).  Since returning from break we lost Big Stax $550 6-Max winner Kyle Bowker (Walton, NY).

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): Lord Of The Rings

    Level 18 - Blinds 4,000/8,000/1,000

    Peter Ippolito (East Meadow, NY) has just been eliminated by Jonas Wexler, as the four time WSOPC ring winner fell to the chipleader.  Wexler is now over 1,200,000, and continues to run over his table.

    One player who is at Wexler's table that has managed to see some success while Jonas isn't in hands is Renata Colache.  Rentata has over 550,000 and hopes to continue her run of cashes in this series.

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): Lemke Eliminated

    Level 18 - Blinds 4,000/8,000/1,000

    Brian Lemke (Norristown, PA) was pretty short stacked throughout Day 2, and he got his final 60,000 in against Alek Divotovsky (New York, NY).  Lemke was behind and in bad shape with A♠ 5♠ against the A♣ J of Alek.  Divotovsky never relinquished the lead, and would send Lemke home a few tables short of the money.

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): Coren Eliminated

    Level 18 - Blinds 4,000/8,000/1,000

    Ben Coren was one of our final table players from the Big Stax 500 (finishing 7th for $6,993), but he couldn't match that deep run in this event.  He was just eliminated by Patrick Chan (Brooklyn, NY), and after starting the day with 160,000, Chan is now up to 500,000.

    54 players now remain.

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): Updated Chip Counts

    Here are some updated chip counts from break:

    Jonas Wexler - 1,000,000
    TJ Shulman - 780,000
    Matt Glantz - 705,000
    Mike Dentale - 640,000
    Jennifer Shahade - 620,000
    David Clarke - 585,000
    Manh Nguyen - 560,000
    Danny Warchol - 530,000

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): Color Up Break

    Players are going on a (10) minute break, and when they return the blinds will be going up to 4,000/8,000/1,000.  With 58 players remaining, the chip average is 276,000.  We will bring you some updated counts during the break.

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): First "TOD" Loss

    Level 17 - Blinds 3,000/6,000/1,000

    Table 48 has seen it's first notable bust, as Ross Gottleib (North Brunswick, NJ) is seen walking away from the table.

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): Wexler Running Good

    Level 17 - Blinds 3,000/6,000/1,000

    We approached Table 50 as the action was already on the river, with the board K 9♣ 7♣ 2 3.  Jonas Wexler (South Hampton, PA) had a river bet of 115,000 that his opponent was tanking.  The call was eventually made and Wexler turned over AA, and the table all had something to say, as this was the third time he's had aces in the past 30 minutes.

    Wexler has now taken over the chip lead from Matt Glantz, building his stack to over 700,000.

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): Table of Death Updates/Departures

    Level 17 - Blinds 3,000/6,000/1,000

    Table 48 continues to house the toughest field among the seven tables remaining, and here are some chip counts:

    Dan Buzgon (Seat 2) - 280,000
    Ross Gottlieb (Seat 4) - 390,000
    Jennifer Shahade (Seat 5) - 420,000
    Dave Inselberg (Seat 7) - 118,000
    Matt Glantz (Seat 8) - 640,000
    Jared Jaffee (Seat 9) - 270,000

    We also have some first hand photography from the table, courtesy of Jennifer Shahade:

    Big Stax 1500 "Murderers Row"
    David Inselberg, Matt Glantz, Jared Jaffee

    We also caught the recent departures of:

    Allie Prescott
    Esther Taylor

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): Change Of Mind

    Level 17 - Blinds 3,000/6,000/1,000

    Alex Queen (Bethlehem, PA) fired a few bullets yesterday, decided he had contributed enough to the prize pool, and headed home.  It was then a surprise to see his name on the Day 2 chip counts, and we found out he came back before 1:30am to register for the starting stack (50,000).  Not a bad move for Queen as he now sits with 210,000, and has managed to run up that starting stack:

    Saturday May 18 (10:30pm):

    Sunday May 19 (12:45pm):

    Sunday May 19 (1:15pm):

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): Losing Players Quickly

    Level 17 - Blinds 3,000/6,000/1,000

    Things are moving quickly since we returned for Day 2, as we have already lost 19 players in the first level and a half (remember Level 16 was only 45 minutes because it was supposed to be from Day 1).  The average is currently 242,000 (40 big blinds) amongst the remaining 66 players.

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): Today's Schedule

    Level 16 - Blinds 2,500/5,000/500

    Just a reminder about the Day 2 schedule...players will play down to the final table, or the conclusion of Level 24 (whichever happens first).

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): Table Of Death

    Level 16 - Blinds 2,500/5,000/500

    Big Stax 1500: Numbers Don't Lie

    Level 16 - Blinds 2,500/5,000/5000

    Total Number of Entries: 320

    Total Prize Pool: $500,000 (3% Taken Out For Dealers)

    Players Remaining: 85

    Number Up Top: $126,093

    Min Cash: $4,026

    Spots Paid: 27

    Top 3 Stacks:

    TJ Shulman (Boyton Beach, FL) - 505,000
    Ross Gottlieb (North Brunswick, NJ) - 406,500
    Jonas Wexler - 400,000

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): Play Begins

    The cards are going to be in the air shortly, and when play resume with Level 16, the blinds will be 2,500/5,000/500.  The chip average among the remaining 85 players is 188,300, which works out to 37 big blinds.

    Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): Pre-Tourny Tweets

    Catching up on the early morning Twitter world:

    Big Stax 1500: Payouts

    Big Stax 1500 - $1,500 + 100 NL Hold'em (Re-Entry) $500,000 Guarantee

    Total Entries: 320

    Total Prize Pool: $500,000 (3% Taken Out For Dealers)


    1. $126,093
    2. $77,649
    3. $48,258
    4. $35,114
    5. $27,403
    6. $21,583
    7. $18,236
    8. $15,229
    9. $11,398
    10-12. $8,342
    13-15. $6,839
    16-18. $5,820
    19-21. $5,093
    22-24. $4,559
    25-27. $4,026

    Big Stax 1500: Day 2 Seating Assignments

    Mikie "Unbelievable" Dentale Brooklyn NY 270,000 45 1
    Marshall White Boone NC 383,500 45 2
    Akash Seth Port Jefferson NY 202,000 45 4
    Matt Maccaroni Hamilton Square 122,500 45 5
    Stephen  Scales Red Bank NJ 56,000 45 6
    Kyle  Bowker Walton NY 217,500 45 7
    Esther Taylor Haverton PA 82,500 45 8
    Michael Peck Saratoga NY 96,000 45 9
    Alexander  Queen Bethlehem PA 50,000 46 1
    Kevin  Grabel Southampton PA 124,500 46 2
    Max Amjadi Marmora NJ 200,500 46 4
    Akim Akimov Haverton PA 66,000 46 5
    Mike  Stucchio Old Bridge NJ 165,000 46 6
    Joel Gola NJ 309,000 46 7
    Danny Warchol Columbus OH 332,500 46 8
    Ketan Pandya Piscataway NJ 182,500 46 9
    John  Lakatosh Reding PA 382,500 47 1
    Ed  Walsh Langhorne PA 171,000 47 2
    Mike Schoultz Arlington VA 83,000 47 3
    Eric Mustchler Tarpon Springs FL 146,500 47 4
    Walt  Jones Newark DE 155,000 47 5
    Steven Ritchie Austin TX 269,500 47 6
    Satish Gorrela Sterling VA 166,000 47 7
    Andy Jiang Brooklyn NY 76,000 47 8
    Frank  Ferrigno Wayne NJ 106,000 47 9
    Charles  Minter Yardley PA 85,500 48 1
    Daniel Buzgon Marlton NJ 136,000 48 2
    Qing Guo Gibson 215,000 48 3
    Ross Gottlieb North Brunswick NJ 406,500 48 4
    Jen Shahade Philadelphia PA 361,000 48 5
    Jon  Sen Philadelphia PA 327,000 48 6
    David  Inselberg Long Beach NY 179,500 48 7
    Matt Glantz Philadelphia PA 275,000 48 8
    Jared Jaffee Brooklyn NY 357,000 48 9
    James Mcauley Charlotte NC 202,500 49 1
    John  Dibella Eastchester 90,500 49 2
    Benjamin Coren Lansdale PA 95,000 49 3
    Tomasz Gliniecki Jackson NJ 143,000 49 4
    Carter  Sparacio Moorestown NJ 87,500 49 5
    Ray Shackelford Frederichsburg VA 95,500 49 6
    Brett Richey New York NY 50,000 49 7
    David Clarke Basking Ridge NJ 184,500 49 8
    Patrick  Chan Brooklyn NY 140,500 49 9
    Rocco  Luciano Philadelphia PA 98,500 50 1
    Norman Rodgers Philadelphia PA 266,500 50 2
    Jonas Wexler Southampton PA 400,000 50 3
    Jesse Willgruber Philadelphia PA 65,000 50 4
    Peter Ippolito East Meadow NY 163,000 50 5
    Matthew Burnitz Bear DE 304,000 50 6
    Tim  Bryan Centreville VA 265,500 50 7
    Oscar Jurado North Bergen NJ 147,000 50 8
    Bruce  Yamron Naples FL 190,000 50 9
    Anthony Fazio Syosset NY 208,000 51 1
    Alek Givotovsky New York NY 330,500 51 2
    Marvin  Siegel Monroe Twp NJ 191,500 51 4
    TJ Shulman Boyton Beach FL 500,500 51 5
    Matthew Kustafik Doylestown PA 112,500 51 6
    Matt Brady Havertown PA 76,000 51 7
    Jeffrey Chang Washington DC 142,000 51 8
    Allie Prescott Memphis TN 168,500 51 9
    Andrew Wu Edison NJ 238,000 52 1
    Brett  Brucaleri St. James NY 273,000 52 2
    Brian  Lemke Norristown PA 264,000 52 4
    Sead Duraku Queens NY 193,500 52 5
    James Anderson Pittsburgh PA 131,000 52 6
    Sirous Jamshidi Broomall PA 191,500 52 7
    Antonio Walker Willingboro NJ 30,000 52 8
    Gionni DeMers Jackson NJ 233,000 52 9
    Greg Galvin Port Jefferson NY 100,000 54 1
    Rich  Lipson Philadelphia PA 115,000 54 2
    Samantha Ruszkay Paoli 220,500 54 4
    Matthew Shafman West Orange NJ 278,000 54 5
    Coury Mascagni Louisville KY 61,000 54 6
    Gene Mazza Elizabeth NJ 169,000 54 7
    Renata Colache Clayton NY 202,500 54 8
    L.J. Sande New Haven CT 79,500 54 9
    Walter Taylor Morristown NJ 391,000 56 1
    Jennifer  So Galloway NJ 187,500 56 2
    James  Sparacio Moorestown NJ 129,500 56 3
    Joe  Simmons Atlantic City NJ 50,000 56 4
    Paul "Gray Aces" Spitzberg Tenafly NJ 126,000 56 5
    Dennis Thurman Fisk MO 340,500 56 6
    John Allan  Hinds Greenville NC 166,500 56 7
    Manh Nguyen Pittsburgh PA 271,500 56 8
    Rich  Murnick Montclair NJ 152,500 56 9