Monday, May 20, 2013

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): Pot Of The Day

Level 26 - Blinds 30,000/60,000/10,000

Mike Dentale Tanks...Jonas Doesn't Move An Inch

There was a crowd of about 20 people watching what would be the pot of the tournament.  The board ran out 5 9 3 9 2, and Mike Dentale had called Wexler's 1,000,000 check raise on the turn.  Once the 2 hit the river, Jonas announced himself all-in, and we would have about a 7 minute tank from Mike.  He then turned over a 9, showing Jonas how strong his hand was.  Jonas was stone faced as Dentale talked....and stared....and talked...and showed his one card.  Dentale had the crowd surrounding the tabled, on the edge of their seats about what he would do.  Dentale eventually folded, and Jonas is now at 5,900,000 (Dentale is down to 4,000,000).

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