Sunday, May 19, 2013

Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): POT OF THE TOURNAMENT!!!

Level 21 - Blinds 8,000/16,000/2,000

And there you have it...Jonas Wexler (South Hampton, PA) is over 4,000,000!!!! It was the two biggest stacks of the tournament going at it, on a flop of K Q 3.  The action was five-bet all-in from Glantz, and Jonas called:

Flop: K Q♣ 3

Glantz: 10 J              Wexler: K♠ Q

Turn: 6♣

River: 2♠

Glantz would miss both his draws and Jonas Wexler is now the overwhelming chip leader of the remaining 16 players, with over 4,000,000.

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