Monday, May 20, 2013

Big Stax 1500 (Day 3): 8th Place - Amjadi ($15,229)

Level 24 - Blinds 15,000/30,000/5,000

Max Amjadi (Mamora, NJ)
8th Place - $15,229

Jonas Wexler opened the pot for 65,000 and Mike Dentale flatted behind from the button.  Max Amjadi was in the small blind, and he shipped it in for 365,000.  Wexler folded and Dentale went into the tank for a solid four minutes.  He verbalized the fact that he was hoping it was a race and that he really didn't want to give Amjadi chips.  He finally decided to make the call, and Mike was in bad shape:

Amjadi: Q♠Q♣               Dentale: 2♠2

Flop: 2♣ 5♣ 6♣

Turn: 6♠ 

River: 10

Dentale out-flops Max Amjadi, but still had a handful of outs on the flop (any queen or any club).  Things looked bleaker after Dentale turned a full house, and the river would brick for Max, sending him home in 8th place.

Mike Dentale - 2,700,000

Max Amjadi - Eliminated

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