Sunday, May 19, 2013

Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): Great Time To Double

Level 20 - Blinds 6,000/12,000/2,000

Matt Glantz opened the action with a raise to 24,000.  Jared Jaffee was next to act and went all-in for 168,000.  The action folded around to Jen Shahade in the big blind, and after asking for a count, she declared herself all-in as well (370,000).  Glantz folded behind:

Jaffee: AK           Shahade: J J

Flop: 3♣ 9♠ 10♣

Turn: 4♠

River: K

Jaffee gets a well needed double up to 360,000, while Jen is down to just under 200,000.

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