Sunday, May 19, 2013

Big Stax 1500 (Day 2): Players Remaining (Alphabetical)

Level 19 - Blinds 5,000/10,000/1,000

Here is an alphabetical list of players remaining (just lost Joe Simmons as his KK runs into the AA of Max Amjadi):

Max Amjadi
Dan Buzgon
Patrick Chan
David Clarke
Renata Colache
Gionni DeMers
Mike Dentale
Greg Galvin
Alex Givotovsky
Matt Glantz
Tomasz Gliniecki
Qing Guo
John Allan Hinds
David Inselberg
Jared Jaffee
Matthew Kustafik
John Lakatosh
Gene Mazza
Steven Ritchie
Norman Rogers
Matt Shafman
Jen Shahade
TJ Shulman
Marvin Siegel
Walter Taylor
Ed Walsh
Danny Warchol
Jonas Wexler
Marshall White
Andrew Wu

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