Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Big Stax $550 6-Max: Dinner Break...Huge Bluff

Players are now on a (75) minute dinner break, but the last hand before the break drew a crowd.  On a board of:

A♠ K♣ 10♣ 4 3♠

Asher Conniff's opponent checked (after check-calling the flop and turn), and Conniff put his last 70,000 in the middle.  His opponent tanked...and it was for a while (easily 5-6 minutes).  He eventually folded, and everyone crowded around the table was looking for Asher to show.  He wasn't going to until we agreed to put it right on the blog.  Conniff tabled 8 2 (off) and gave the crowd something to talk about.

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