Monday, May 13, 2013

Big Stax 300 (Day 3): 10th Place - Maglaras ($3,122)

Level 24 -  Blinds 15,000/30,000/5,000

Antonios Maglaras (Hamilton, NJ)
10th Place - $3,122

We have lost our first player of the day, as Antonios Maglaras (Hamilton, NJ) is sent home in ninth place.  Kevin Bressler opened the pot for 60,000 and was called behind by Kevin Truong, followed by Antonios going all-in for his final 75,000.  Jeff Wicker then three-bet to 300,000 and watched Bressler fold behind, and Truong call:

Flop: 10♠ 2♣ 5

Truong check-called Jeff's 310,000 bet on the flop.

Turn: 4♠ 

Action then went check-check.

River: 4♣

Truong check-called Wickers river bet of 425,000.  Wicker turned over Q Q, and after Truong mucked we saw that Maglaras was holding K 10.

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