Thursday, May 16, 2013

Big Stax 500 (Day 3): 7th Place - Coren ($6,993)

Level 26 - Blinds 30,000/60,000/10,000

Ben Coren (Lansdale, PA)
7th Place - $6,993

Ben Coren's improbable run was just that, as his dream of a "chip and a chair" fell short.  On a flop of K Q 10, his shove was called by Mike Sandler (holding K 2).  Coren showed 10 9, and he would need to come from behind, but could not find help.  Coren is part of a group called Team Counterfeit, who donates 1% of their winnings to helping pancreatic cancer.  It's a noble thing to do, and he wishes he could of donated 1% of $52,000, but that will have to wait until another day.

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